The Green Channel system is an automatic customs mechanism used within the European Union. It employs risk analysis to evaluate customs declarations and selects shipments for inspection based on specific, predetermined parameters. This system aims to streamline customs procedures while ensuring compliance and security.

What are the Possible Outcomes in the Green Channel System?

The Green Channel can yield three primary results:

  1. No Control (NC): Shipments marked as NC are immediately released without any further controls. This designation implies that the shipment is considered low-risk based on the initial risk analysis.

  2. Document Control (CD): In this scenario, a customs official is tasked with examining the documentation accompanying the customs declaration. The focus is to verify if the data in the shipment matches the information provided in the customs declaration. If everything aligns, the goods are released. If discrepancies are found, the official may request additional documents or information, or escalate to a physical inspection of the goods.

  3. Goods Visit (VM): This outcome mandates a physical inspection of the goods by the designated official. The official must thoroughly check the contents before making a decision on releasing the shipment. The findings from this inspection are formally recorded and used in the decision-making process.


Can Customs Officers Override the System’s Decision?

Yes, in rare and specific circumstances, customs officers have the discretion to override the system’s initial outcome. They can change a result from NC to either CD or VM if they deem it necessary based on their expertise and additional insights. This flexibility ensures that the system remains robust and adaptable to various situations, enhancing overall customs security and compliance.